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Q: What happens to bats during a night time thunderstorm?
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When does bats eat?

bats eat during the night, they leave there perches to feed on insects, uniquely they catch their prey during flight, by use of sonar, remember most are blind.

Why do bats wake at night?

The two main reasons is firstly there is less competion for food at night, so they can feed easier. Also its harder for a preadetor to see them, so they are saver Actually I am wrong. Bats are nocturnal. They can see at night and their prey is out only at night.

Are bats useful mammals?

yes bats are useful they eat insects and only during night

when do you normally see bats?

at night when they hunt. They sleep during the day and wake at night(nocturnal).

Who discovered bats?

Bats were discovered by the cavemen. The bats would hang upside down in the caves during the day and fly out at night.

How are owls and bats alike?

because bats and owls could see and fly at night

What does noctumal mean?

nocturnal means, 'active at night'. bats are nocturnal, because they sleep during the day and hunt at night.

Why do bats sleep during daytime?

because more insects are out during night time than day time

Why do bats see better at night?

Bats have eyes and can see both at night and during the day using their eyes. However bats do not rely on their eyes at night (in the dark), because they have another sense they use called "echo location" which works better than their eyes.

What happens in a jungle at night?

Alot happens! All the nochternal animals ... like Kiwis, owls , bats and wild cats come out to eat or hunt.

What do bats do in the night?

Bats are nocturnal; they hunt at night.

What word describes creatures that come out at night?

'Nocturnal' is the term used for animals that hunt or stay awake during the night; such as bats, owls, and so on. Animals that hunt or stay awake during the day are diurnal. This means that they sleep during the night, whereas nocturnal they sleep during the day.