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"The cell will shrivel up and die due to the lack of water and equilibrium on both sides of the membrane."

From Biomed final review flashcards

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it will shrink

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Q: What happens to cells exposed to a high concentration of sugar?
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What might happen to cells that are exposed to high concentration of sugar?

iieye reeaally oont knooo....

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The concentration of the sugar increases

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Concentration increases

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What happens to cells that are exposed to high concentrations of sugar?

"The cell will shrivel up and die due to the lack of water and equilibrium on both sides of the membrane." From Biomed final review flashcards

What happens if a bacterial cell lands inside a jar of jelly?

Diffusion of the sugars occurs as there is an area of high concentration so they move to satisfy the concentration gradient, but due to such a high concentration of sugar in the jam, the cells in the fungi expand and lysis takes place.

What is the uses of sugar in preservation?

A high concentration of sugar or salt causes an osmotic gradient. Water will move from bacterial cells into the sugar solution and the bacteria will die.

What happens to an animal cell when placed in concentrated sugar solution?

the concentration inside and outside the cells are unequal, to make the balance correct water is lost from the cell. If the sugar concentration outside the cell is much higher than that inside the cell then the cell may "implode". If the concentration outside the cell is less than that inside the cell then the cell gains water and may burst or "explode".

What does not spoil even though it is exposed to bacteria?

Foods such as salted pork, strawberry preserves, and sweet pickles do not spoil when exposed to bacteria because of their cells and its sugar and salt content. When cells have enough salt or sugar, the cell membrane (which is selectively permeable) does not allow salt or sugar into the cell and therefore does not allow bacteria into the cell. Hence, the food does not spoil.

Describe what happens in osmosis?

when you mix something such as, sugar or salt, with water, you lower the concentration of water molecules

What is sugar concentration?

its sugar.