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The blackberry is decomposed and its chemical energy is used for energy in the bear.

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Q: What happens to chemical energy in a blackberrie as it is eaten by a bear?
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What happens to energy and matter when an organism is eaten?

The chemical energy of the animal who was eaten is passed on to the animal who ate the other animal.

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Chemical Energy :)

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Chemical Energy

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Chemical energy from the food you've eaten.

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Bicycles gets their energy from the chemical energy stored in the food eaten by the rider.

Dogs use what energy source?

Chemical energy from the food they've eaten. Ultimately that energy comes from the sun

How does energy get from one place to another?

Well, if your question is about the energy cycling through living organisms then we'll start with the sun! The sun gives light which chloroplast, in plants, convert into chemical energy using H2O and CO2. When plants are eaten by herbivores and omnivores, and the chemical energy within them is transferred to the consumer. It's still chemical energy in the body, and when it is used, it usually dissipates into heat. When the consumer dies, the chemical energies are then left for the decomposers to ingest, which is then returned to the soil and heat.Ex. Sunlight taken in by Grass for photosynthesis. (Chemical energy)Grass eaten by rat.Rat eaten by bird.Bird eaten by snake.Snake eaten by mongoose.Mongoose eaten by human?Human dies...fungus eats human's dead tissues.A:Through radiation, conduction and convection

What is the initial energy source for weight lifting?

it depends, if you have eaten any food before, if you have, then it is that otherwise it is your fat or muscle

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chemical energy, the mouse has eaten food and has made into energy.

What type of energy does talking use?

Talking is powered by chemical energy derived from the food you've eaten.

What is the energy used for digestion and absorption of food eaten reffered to as?

I don't know if this helps, but the energy that you get out of food is chemical energy.