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Plants stop producing chlorophyll when the temperature drops, because there is less light in the winter it makes more sense to use food storage then continue using energy to produce chlorophyll and continue photosynthesis.

The reason for color change in the leaves are the other pigments present in plant leaves, which only show once chlorophyll production stops. These include carotenoids (yellow orange brown) and Anthocyanins (reds).

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Q: What happens to chlorophyll when temperatures drop?
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Plants that are unlucky enough to loose all of their chlorophyll will not be able to produce glucose through photosynthesis and will die. This is happens if the entire plant looses chlorophyll; there are other examples of plants (such as white variegated ones) where only certain portions of the leaf have no chlorophyll, in these instances the food is produced and distributed from the areas that do contain chlorophyll to those which don't.

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If you have learned in biology class that substance called chlorophyll makes leaves green.You guess that perhaps leaves change color because they do not produce chlorophyll when temperatures get color?

formed a hypothesis

You guess that perhaps leaves change color because they do not produce chlorophyll when temperatures get colder What have you done?

formed a hypothesis!! [: