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They tend to build and spread.

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Q: What happens to cloud coverage as a cold front approaches and passes?
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Related questions

How do you describe cloud coverage?

Cloud coverage can be described in percent and decimal.

A cloud of locust approach a field. Is this a correct sentence?

The correct sentence is: "A cloud of locusts approaches a field."

What is the cloud cover for London?

The answer is the cloud coverage is perfeclty about 50% fair.

Averge cloud coverage of the earth?


What happens to a nimbostratus cloud?

what happens to a nimbostratus cloud

What happens to light when it passes through hydrogen cloud in the universe?

Hydrogen specific frequencies of light are absorbed and the light after the hydrogen has dark lines at those frequencies.

How much cloud cover does the UK have today?

Mostly the UK has about 6/8 average of cloud coverage daily.

When a more dense air mass meets a low dense air mass what type of cloud coverage will result?

A stratus cloud.

What happens when the spinning of air moves to the bottom of the cumulonimbus cloud?

It forms a funnel cloud.

What happens when a hot cloud and cold cloud meet?

Perhaps there is an equality met.

What happens to the comets tail as it passes the sun?

As a comet approaches the Sun, the heat causes ice and other volatile substances within the comet to vaporize. This forms a glowing coma (a cloud of gas and dust) around the solid nucleus of the comet. The solar wind then pushes this gas and dust away from the Sun, forming a tail that can stretch for millions of kilometers in the opposite direction of the Sun.

What happens if you die from cloud disease?

You die.