

What happens to cows in winter?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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Nothing, they go about life normally, however, in the fall they will begin to grow a thicker coat to aid in warmth, they may also eat more feed as an energy source.

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Not if you completely deprive them of crucial feed, shelter, water and a warm place to lay down to rest and sleep, especially with those thin cows that don't have enough condition (or layers of fat) to help them survive the winter. Fat or good conditioned cows have a better chance surviving winter conditions with snow as a water source and being able to dig for feed, plus some feed that is given to them once or twice a week, but not thin or emaciated cows.

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Nothing happens between them... I think you mean Annabeth. She was very blunt and almost rude to Hera when traveling in the Labyrinth, and Hera started sending cows after her because cows are Hera's sacred animal, and the cows were leaving little "presents" everywhere for her.

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