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it comes out the other end

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Q: What happens to food as it passes through the digestive system?
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Organs that passes through the digestive system are?

they are called the cells

What nutrient molecule passes through the wall of the digestive system into the blood?

the answer is the large intestine

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What happens after the food gets broken down by the pepsin in your stomach?

food passes into the intestines where nutrients are sorted out and then absorbed and waste continues to be pushed through the digestive system

How do food passes through the digestive system starting at the mouth?

It goes down the esophagus and into the stomach.

What is the fate of the soybean meal as it passes through the digestive system of the chicken?

it is digested and is stored as fat.

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Why do you fart when you're nervous?

Over the course of the day, everyone swallows air. A lot of the air, mostly oxygen, is absorbed as it passes through the digestive system. When you are nervous, your body diverts blood away from the digestive system and passes it to the muscles, ready for the 'fight or flight' mechanism. When this happens, the digestive system is less active, so absorbs less of the air in your system. The increased farting is due to the increased volume of oxygen that is not absorbed

When food passes through the digestive system sugar passes in to the blood stream... where and how does this happen?

This occurs in the small intestine by deffusion into the blood stream.

What nutritional value does gold contain?

It has no nutritional value and is ignored by the digestive system and passes through if ingested.

Does the digestive system work with excretory system?

Yes. What isn't digested in the digestive system passes to the excretory system.

What is the pathway food travels through in the digestive system in order?

first the food passes through your esophagus then to your small intestines and then your large intestines