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It increases.

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Q: What happens to ionic radius if you add an electron?
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What happens when you add an electron?

In this case the atom become an anion with the charge -1.

What happens if you add an electron to chlorine gas?

It becomes a negatively charged ion.

What happens when you add or remove protons in an atom?

you cant add proton to an atom...u can only add electron....

Which one is larger in size S or S2?

it S2-, because when you add electrons, you are making the atomic radius bigger. In S2-, you add 2 electron, making it bigger. hope that helped.

Within a period what happens to the atomic radius you go down the column?

The atomic radius increases down a column. More electron shells are added and the nucleus had less pulling power on those electrons. decreasesdLo

Why do solid crystals of ionic compounds conduct electricity when the crystals dissolve in water?

NaCl Add water. Na + Cl - Electrons have flowed and that is all electricity is, electron flow.

What is the long electron configuration of oxide ion?

The element, oxygen, is in group 16, period 2 of the periodic table. Thus its electron configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p4. Oxide's ionic state is O2-, so to get its electron configuration we just need to add two electrons to the old one. That yields 1s2 2s2 2p6.

A user is constructing an ionic bond between beryllium and chlorine and has reached the stage below What should the user do next?

A-transfer an electron from the beryllium atom to the chlorine atom B-tranfer an electron from the chlorine atom to the beryllium atom C-add another beryllium atom D-add another chlorine atom The answer is D. :) Good luck!!

What is pi times radius add 999?

well pi=3.14 then you have to times it by the radius number given in your question then add 999!!

How do you charge an atom?

remove either a proton or electron OR add a proton or electron...

What is the ionic charge of potassium iodide.?

The ionic charge of potassium iodide is determined by the groups of the elements. Potassium is in the 1st column of the periodic chart, so it is group 1, and forms a +1 cation. Iodine is a halogen (group 7) and will add an electron to fill its shell with 8 electrons, so its charge is -1.

Do Greek Prefixes appear in the names of ionic or covalent compounds?

because they are the 1st discoverers.