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it gets wet

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Q: What happens to lettuce if it is submerged in ice cold water?
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What happens to restore lettuce to its original condition when you place wilted lettuce in cold water?

Not in ice water but cold water- it gets nice and crispy especially if you add a little bit of sugar

Why does a wilted piece of lettuce crisp up in cold water?

wilted lettuce are in a plasmolysed condition,when they are placed in a cold water or hypotonic solution then water enters the leaves by thye process of endosmosis and the leaves becomes deplasmolysed and they become crisp.

When water is heated why would a submerged object rise faster?

Since you asked, I don't think it would.I think a submerged object would rise slower in hot water than in cold. The densityof the hot water is less than the density of cold water. So whatever volume of fluidthe submerged object displaces has less weight, and the buoyant force on thesubmerged object is less than it would be in cold water.That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.Another answer:I agree. What makes you think an object will rise faster?

What happens when hot water meets cold water?

cold water is much heavier than hot water . the water becomes warm

What happens when cold water meets warm water?

it becomes a mixture of a warm and cold water :)))

How does hot and cold water separate?

that happens because cold water is heavier than hot water.

What happens when you add cold to water?

it turns brown?

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What happens to a solid when in cold water?

nothing haha

What happens when men get in cold water to their privates?


What happens if cold water is on flesh to long?
