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What actually happens to the types of stars is that the low mass will turn into a white dwarf and the medium mass will turn into a black dwarf and reproduce a nebula

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Q: What happens to low-mass and medium-mass stars when they run out of fuel?
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Neutron stars do not have fuel. A neutron star is a remnant of a star that has already died.

What happens to stars bigger than then the sun?

When they run out of fuel they collapse and become black holes.

What happens to low to medium mass stars when they run out of fuel?

What actually happens to the types of stars is that the low mass will turn into a white dwarf and the medium mass will turn into a black dwarf and reproduce a nebula

What is the main fuel for nuclear reactions in stars?

The main fuel for stars is hydrogen.

What is the primary fuel of main sequence stars?

The primary fuel for all stars is hydrogen

What size stars have longer lives?

larger stars have longer lives, because as stars burn they are slowly burning up fuel and begin to cave in on themselves. the larger, the more fuel, the more fuel, the longer lasting.

The death of a star occurs when?

When the star runs out of fuel. Most stars burn (fuse, actually) hydrogen. When this runs out, what happens next depends on the mass of the star... heavier stars can fuse heavier elements for a short time, but lower mass stars simply collapse into white dwarfs.

About how many years does it take for a star to run out of its fuel hydrogen?

it depends on what type of star it is bigger stars run out of fuel hydrogen faster then smaller stars

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How do binary stars differ form the supernovas and novas?

binary stars are two stars that orbit each other while supernovas and novas stars are stars that explode when it runs out of fuel

What happens to stars as they increase the percentage of metal they have in them?

Among other things, they will have less fuel available. Eventually, a star will become unstable and convert into a giant star, or even blow up as a supernova.

What happens wehn you replace the fuel filter on a 2004 Chevy trailblazer?

What happens is you have a new fuel filter in place.