

What happens to molecules at 0K?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Molecules at zero will not be gas anymore. Molecules will then become a solid.

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Q: What happens to molecules at 0K?
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What happens to atom and molecules when matter is cooled?

Nothing happens to the atoms within the molecules,but the molecules move around slower.

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The lowest temperature is known as absolute zero which is equal to 0K (0 Kelvin) and -273.15 Celsius (-459.67F). Absolute zero has never been recorded but is the theoretical temperature of which no heat can be extracted from a system. It is theoretical because at 0K matter would have no pressure and therefore no volume.

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That depends how cool you make the molecules. Theoretically at Absolute zero (0k) molecules are supposed to cease to vibrate. I say theoretically, because absolute Zero is unobtainable and also it doesn't take into account movement at the Quantum scale.

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the molecules will decrease in motion

What happens to the molecules when a solid is melted?

Nothing happens to the molecules. They're just warmer and moving around faster.

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the molecules freeze and it turns to the freezing point

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new molecules starts to form

If it is 0 Kelvin what is the temperature in celsius?

0K = -273.15ºC