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You turn into a giraffe.

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Q: What happens to norepinephrine if it does not combine with an adrenergic receptor?
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What happens when you have too much norepinephrine?

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What happens when you combine combine an acid and a base?

You get water and a salt, which is neutral.

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The same events as when taking a beta blocker.

What happens when elements combine?

When elements combine, they form compounds by sharing, gaining, or losing electrons to achieve a more stable electron configuration. This allows them to create new substances with different properties compared to the original elements. The combination can result in the formation of various types of bonds such as ionic bonds, covalent bonds, or metallic bonds, depending on the elements involved.

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You increase the dose.

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You get Saltwater

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They change

What happens when you combine plutonium and uranimu?

When you combine plutonium and uranium, a nuclear reaction can occur which releases a large amount of energy in the form of heat and radiation. This process is known as nuclear fission, where the nuclei of the atoms split into smaller fragments, releasing energy and additional neutrons. This reaction is the basis for nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons.

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