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Q: What happens to organisms in a stream when nitrates leak from a factory?
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What organisms live in a stream?

many live in a stream.....

Why are nitrates important to stream health?

Nitrates are important nutrients for plant life which then helps filter the water and provide oxygen, food, and shelter for animal life. That is where the food chain begins and having a good quantity of nitrates which comes from decomposition of organic material makes the stream healthy enough to sustain it.

Why is having too many nitrates and nitrates in the soil is so bad?

Nitrates are a fertilizer, so when nitrates hit a pond or stream, the plants there could overtake and drain all the oxygen out of all the plants, so the plants will die. The animals living there are also affected, because for example, fish in the water could die if a water hyacinth gets nitrates because the fish in the water will not get any sunlight.

What are some organisms adaptation to the movement of water in a stream?

what are some organism abaptations to the movement of water in a stream

What happens when stream order increases?

The width of the stream will increase as the order increases

What happens to stream speed if the discharge in a stream doubles?

If in a given stream the velocity doubles, the discharge: Choose one answer

What is the connection between organisms in a stream and the dissolved oxygen level?

Organisms in streams need oxygen to live when lacking dissolved oxygen it will kill these organisms. edit: unless the organisms in the stream are photosynthetic, in which case they will increase the oxygen levels. however, by far, most organisms in a stream are not photosynthetic and oxygenation occurs solely through aeration and surface area dissolving from the air. so, to answer the question, organisms (most organisms which aren't plant-based photosynthetic organisms) decrease the amount of oxygen in a stream. edit: a flowing stream has turbulence which helps aerate the water, increasing dissolved oxygen. In contrast, stagnant water tends to be low in dissolved oxygen, except near the surface. Multicellular animals (like fish) need a good supply of dissolved oxygen to thrive.

How does pH effect organisms in the stream?

it can absorb the nutrients from the cowlike substances

What happens to the gradient of a stream as one gets closer and closer to the head of the stream?


What happens when stream temperature increases?

It freezes.

What happens after stream discharge increases?

After a stream's discharge increases, it overflows its banks and a flood occurs.

What happens during the process when you stream media?

The process of stream media happens when you go onto a website where video/sound media is available. You must click the button to stream the media, your computer will download it and then process it for you to use.