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Q: What happens to oxidation numbers as you move left to right on the periodic table?
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What happens to the atomic numbers on the periodic table looking from left to right?

it grows one more with each element going right

What happens to the atomic number as you go from left to right across the periodic table and why does this happen?

Periods on the periodic table refer to the rows of elements. As the elements progress to the right, the atomic numbers increase, usually in steps of 1.

How is the periodic table arranged from left to right?

The periodic table is arranged from left to right in the order of atomic numbers.

Where is the oxidation number in the periodic table?

The oxidation number is located in the top right-hand corner of each element box; for many elements there is more than one.

Where are the elements with the highest chloride numbers located on the periodic table?

On the right side of the periodic table.

When you move across the periodic table from left to right what happens to the number of protons contained by each element?

the numbers increase (going right) and decrease (going left)

What happens to the reactivity of left to right across the periodic table?

Across a period, as we move from left to right, the electronegativity increases in the periodic table.

What happens to the elements masses from left to right on the periodic table?


What happens to the atomic size of the atoms as you go from left to right of the periodic table?

The atomic radius decrease from left to right in the periodic table.

What do the atomic numbers of the periodic table do when you move from left to right?

they multiply by 1.14527

What happens to the mass number as you move from left to right in the periodic table?

It increases

What are the numbers on the right edge of the periodic table called?

Generally stands for the electronic configuration.