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In water - they will swell and explode
In salt water - they will shrink
In isotonic solution - they will be fine
This is because of osmosis, water will travel wherever there is a higher concentration of minerals, hence the cells swelling in water.

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13y ago

a high concentration of salt means that a hypertonic environment is created. As salt attracts water molecules, if the concentration of salt is higher on the outside of the red blood cell, the red blood cell will lose water, and become shriveled. plant cells become plasmolyzed, under a hypertonic solution but are able to recover due to their rigid cell wall. however as red blood cells do not have a cell wall to maintain shape, they are unable to refunction and will die.

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11y ago

The cell will seek homeostasis and attempt to balance itself with its environment. Since the external environment is more saline than the interior of the cell (hypertonic), the cell will lose water in an attempt to decrease the exterior salinity .

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10y ago

Water will leave the cell by osmosis. There is more salt outside than inside the cell and the water will try to "even" out the two sides. It will not happen and the cell will become wrinkled like a prune. This is called crenation.

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11y ago

Since the external environment is more saline than the interior of the cell (hypertonic), the cell will lose water in an attempt to decrease the exterior salinity .

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Q: What are the effect of different concentration of salt solution on red blood cells?
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Iso means same, therefore the salt solution concentration is the same as the concentration of salt within the blood cells. So nothing happens - the RBC's remain the same (no shrinking/crenating or swelling/lysing)

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There are two types of solutions categorized by solute concentration. If the solution has a higher saline concentration than the erythrocytes (red blood cells) it is said to be hypertonic. If the opposite is true the solution is then hypotonic.

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A hypotonic solution is a solution with a lower salt concentration than in normal cells of the body and the blood.

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Hypotonic solution: A solution with a lower concentration than in normal cells of the body and the blood.

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You are probably looking for "dilute" but that is wrong, dilute is relative. A dilute solution of table salt (sodium chloride) can be a very different concentration to a dilute solution of slaked lime (calcium hydroxide).

What will happen if a blood cell is placed in a hypertonic salt solution?

A hypertonic solution is a solution that has a high concentration of solute, in this case the solute being salt. When a red blood cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, since the salt concentration is higher in the outside of the cell, the water concentration is lower there as well. Therefore, through the process of osmosis, the water diffuses from the inside of the cell to the outside of the cell.

When a solution has the same concentration of water molecules and solutes as a red blood cell it is considered an solution?

It is called an isotonic solution. If the salt concentration is higher, it is called hypertonic and if lower it is called hypotonic.

What is the salt NaCl of Blood?

The concentration of sodium in blood plasma is 136-145 mmol/L.

What is the effect of hypertonic solution on rbc?

A blood cell immersed in a hypertonic solution will cause water to move out of the cell, thereby causing it to shrivel. Osmotic pressure is water's tendency to seek to equalize its own concentration across a semipermeable membrane (like the cell membrane of a blood cell). So in a hypertonic solution (relative to the solution inside the blood cell), there are less particles of water per particle of solute. This means the water concentration inside the blood cell is higher, and mother nature will have none of that. So water will move out of the cell, seeking to equalize its concentration across the cell membrane. If the membrane is also permeable to solutes in the hypotonic solution, they will move across the membrane following their own chemical and electromagnetic concentration gradients.

What would be the effect on red blood cell that 10 percent glucose solution would have?

That depends on the concentration of glucose inside of the red blood cell (RBC). If the glucose concentration inside the cells is less than the concentration outside the cell, then water will pass through the cell's membrane and into the surrounding fluid. If the concentration inside the RBC is greater than that of the outside solution, then the RBC will taken in water. Most likely, this will cause the cell to lyse open (burst) and die.