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it has the same effects as normal smoking

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Q: What happens to second hand smokers?
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Related questions

How are non-smokers affected by smokers?

when non smokers breathe the smoke of cigars it is called second - hand smoking. That's how they get affected which ends up inviting non smokers to smoke.

What happens if you live with smokers but you breathe in the Smoke?

its called second-hand smoking, and its worse for you than smoking (because you breathe the tobacco smoke).

What do you call a nonsmoker who breathes air from a smokers cigarettes?

second-hand smoking

Second hand smoke from other smokers increases your risk of heart disease?


What is the term of smoke that is exhaled from the smokers lungs?

When other people are exposed to it, it is second hand smoke.

How are the nΓΆn-smokers affected?

Non-smokers are affected by the smoke that is given off when the smokers, smoke. It's called second hand smoke and it's as dangerous (or even more) than juts regularly smoking.

What are the effects of second hand marijuana smoke on babies and young children?

Marijuana is harmless. It will have no Ill effect.

What rights do non-smokers have?

Many states have enacted laws to protect non smokers from second hand smoke. There is a federal law that bans smoking on airplanes. There are also several states that do not allow smoking in public buildings.

Are nonsmokers affected by smokers?

yes, but the nicotine that you get by second hand smoking is very little and is not enough to make you addictive.

How do you obtain smokers lung?

You will obtain smokers lung most likely by being a habitual smoker. Sometimes people who are constantly around second hand smoke can get it too. Some jobs that deal with smoke, such as a firefighter are also prone to this.

What is the probability that smokers will get lung cancer compared to non-smokers?

You can't catch cancer from a smoker. But you can be at risk from inhaling the smoke that comes from the end of a burning cigarette. This is called second hand smoke. The longer you are exposed to the smoke, the higher your risk factor will be.

Who are passive smokers?

Passive smoking - or second hand smoking - is the involuntary action of inhaling surrounding smoke. This pertains mainly to nonsmokers who are present in the company of smokers, and therefore are not actively smoking but breathing the smoky surrounding air.