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Immediately after replication (S phase of a cell), the cell enters G2 phase and then the M phase (division of the cell). During division, specifically anaphase, the 2 pieces of DNA (chromatics) are separated from one another.

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16y ago
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12y ago

Firstly the two hydrophobically-linked strands must be separated. This is accomplished by a series of enzymes called Helicases. These are so-called for their ability to un-wind the helix of DNA.

Then, any one of several DNA polymerase (copying) enzymes do their work. Each one of the original strands acts as a Template for the assembly of its own daughter strand.

Two pairs of double helix, each from one of the original and one of the nascent strands, reform into nucleosome bound dsDna quite readily without all that much enzymatic influence, I presume, due to the hydrophobic-attraction that exists between the two strands.

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9y ago

DNA molecule unwinds to form a replication fork. Unwinding allow the primer and DNA polymerase to accommodate for the synthesis of new strand of DNA. DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase occurs in 5' to 3' orientation.

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14y ago

Each molecule ends up with one new strand and one original strand.

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15y ago

=more nucleotides are added to each strand producing a new strand that is complementary to the original. Each strand of the original DNA acts as a model or template for the new strand=

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13y ago

Each of the original strands makes up one half of each new strand.

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12y ago

it look the opposite of the original strand.

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They serve as templates.

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11y ago

To provide details of the cell

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Q: What happens to the 2 pieces of DNA after DNA replication?
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What happens During replication DNA .?

During DNA replication the following occurs: 1) An enzyme called helicase separates the DNA strands (the space where they separate is called the replication fork). 2) DNA polymerase adds complementary nucleotides to the separated strand of DNA. 3) The DNA polymerase enzyme finishes adding nucleotides and there are two identical DNA molecules.

What is it called when DNA separate into two strands?

DNA Replication by enzymes that copy DNA for chromosomes in the new cell after cell division (mitosis)

After replication 2 identical molecules of?

After replication two identical molecules of DNA are created.

Process by which DNA copies itself?

Replication! 1) DNA splits 2) DNA copies 3) left with 2 copies of DNA! :)

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Semi conservative replication prevents mutations during DNA replication because it produces 2 copies that each contained 1 of the original strands and 1 entirely new strand.

What 2 proteins are used during DNA replication?

The two proteins used during DNA replication are DNA polymerase and DNA helicase. DNA polymerase adds nucleotides to the growing DNA strand, while DNA helicase unwinds the double helix structure of DNA to expose the template strands for replication.

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Y shaped regions where the 2 strands of DNA separate?

It is called a replication fork.

How are 2 double stranded DNA molecules created?

Two double stranded DNA molecules are created by the process of DNA replication.

Difference between DNA replication and transcription?

1. Replication is the duplication of two-strands of DNA. Transcription is the formation of single, identical RNA from the two-stranded DNA. 2. There are different proteins involved in replication and transcription. 3. In replication, the end result is two daughter cells, while in transcription, the end result is a protein molecule. 4. In transcription, DNA serves as the template for RNA synthesis.

What is the 2nd step of DNA replication?

1. DNA unzips 2. Nitrogen bonds floating outside of the nucleus attach with the unzipped DNA. 3. Two DNA strands with the exact same bases are formed.