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From what i have read you shouldnt feed them mealworms .

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4y ago

They eat as impacted and wont produce droppings

or eat much a way to fix this is a warm bath

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Q: What happens to the bearded dragons if you feed them two many mealworms?
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What are some good stuff to feed bearded dragons?

Crickets and locusts. Also a few mealworms.

Can bearded dragons eat carrots?

Bearded Dragons can eat locust, crickets, waxworms, pinkies, mealworms, and they also eat salad but you cant feed them iceberg letuce and spinach. And they eat carrots but you have to grind them or peel them. And it does not matter if it is a treat or not.

Can bearded dragons eat blood worms?

No. But what i feed my bearded dragons, is super worms, meal worms, and crickets. Sometimes my family picks up a worm from the wild and feed it to them and so far, it never harmed my bearded dragons. So far, they ate grub worms and earth worms.

Can you feed your bearded dragon onions?

no do not feed bearded dragons onions,kiwi, orange,lemon,grapefruit or tomatoes

Can bearded dragons eat bananas?

Yes you can, but only occasionally you don't want to feed it watermelon everyday it could be as a treat. Watermelon can be fed to bearded dragons but is not of much use to them because it is mostly water. It will give them the runs and cause them to be dehydrated. This is similar to lettuce as it is often fed to beadies by owners that are not aware there is no nutritional value in lettuce and it will also give them the runs.

What plants live around bearded dragons?

They can eat mice, crickets, mealworms, grapes, apple chunks, Earthworms, NEVER feed them iceberg lettuce, grated carrots, kale, dandelion greens, escarole, mustard greens, and a lot more.

Do Bearded Dragons hibernate?

If you feed your dragons a feast of crickets, vegetables and milworms at winter time, They tend to get into a corner and hibernate

Can Bearded Dragons eat Kiwi?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat kiwi but only ever so often because kiwi is high in oxalates which binds with calcium. So to answer your question you can feed your bearded dragon kiwi, just not every day.

Can bearded dragons eat cantelope?


Can bearded dragons eat popcorn?

Bearded dragons can eat popcorn, yes. But if you feed it to them, make sure there is no butter or salt or any other flavoring on it. make sure they do not eat any of the kernel.

Can bearded dragons eat courgettes?

I have done some reseach, and YES, you can feed you beardie Zucchini / Courgettes.

What do bearded dragon eat?

A bearded dragon mostly eats crickets,worms,vegetables and dandelions.They also eat locusts.Other foods include vegetables such as collard greens, romaine lettuce, kale, mustard greens, and carrots. Adult lizards may also eat pinky mice.Bearded dragons eat grasshoppers and crickets whilst young, and as they become an adult they eat locusts and large mealworms along with the normal large crickets or large hoppers. They can also eat salads on the side but do NOT give them water lettuce as they don't like too much water. Also, do NOT feed them pinky mice or any kind of mouse. This could effect their can feed beardies............ locust, crickets, waxworms, pinkies, mealworms, superworms, dubia roaches and they also eat fruit and salad but you cant feed them iceberg letuce and spinach.This is not totally true as you can feed spinach to bearded dragons but only in small amounts and not often. Rubarb is the only known poisonous food for bearded dragons and iceburg lettuce has no nutritional value and will give them the runs and dehydrate them although it can be fed to them. Most people suggest other lettuces to iceburg and think they are alright to feed however they do the exact same thing and all lettuce has no nutritional value. Try feeding you dragon kale or bok choy as they have high calcium content and will be more benefitcial.