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it turns into an egg

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Q: What happens to the carbon in coal and gas and oil when they are burned?
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What reactive gas is produced when coal is burned?

Carbon Monoxide.

What gas is produced when coal and oil are burned?

Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Which greenhouse gases are added to the atmosphere when coal oil and natural gas are burned?

Carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere;here when coal oil and natural gas are burned?

What is a colorless reactive gas produced when such as coal and oil are burned?

This gas is carbon dioxide but it is not so reactive.

What indoor pollutant is colorless odorless gas that forms when wood coal oil or gas are incompletely burned?

Carbon Monoxide.

When fuels such as coal and gas are burned what do they release?

Carbon dioxide and possibly oxides of sulphur, hydrogen and nitrogen.

What gas is given off when coal burns?

Carbon dioxide is the gas given off. Oil also gives off the same gas when burned.

What energy source produces carbon dioxide and water when burned?

Any fossil fuels, hydrocarbons like coal, oil and natural gas, release carbon dioxide and water when burned.

When gas oil and coal are burned what is added to the atmosphere?

when coal, oil, gas are burned pollution is added to the air

Is natural gas carbon monoxide?

Natural gas does not contain carbon monoxide. It contains a large amount of methane. It may also contain other gases. At one time it was frequently burned inside houses. It is now usually burned in furnaces since it may contain Radon, a radioactive gas. Radon can cause cancer. Carbon monoxide is results in the process of making gas from coal. By using water while burning cole, the coal burns at a lower temperature producing coal gas and coke. This coke is not the stuff you drink but a form of carbon used to turn iron ore into iron. Coal gas is then burned to produce heat. The carbon monoxide turns into carbon dioxide. At one time it was used to heat homes. That was replaced by natural gas which does not contain poison.

What gas is produced when coal is burned?

Carbon dioxide (CO2)!It produces sulfuric oxides. (This was written by a 12 year old.)

What kind of gas is released when coal is burned?

CO2 Using the chemical formula for combustion ie methane plus oxygen yields to carbon dioxide and water