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Q: What happens to the catalase molecule when exposed to high heat and acid?
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What is different about what happens to a weak acid molecule and what happens to a strong acid molecule?

A strong acid is totally dissociated in water; a weak acid is only partially dissociated in water.

Why does heat and acid cause a catalase to stop functioning?

Catalase is a protein and proteins can de-nature or change shapes when exposed to heat. Acid is very corrosive and so my guess would be that acid would just eat away at the protein and cause the protein to lose major parts needed to function

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For example, metallic uranium is soluble in nitric acid.

Hydrochloric acid and catalase reaction?

No change

How does sulfuric acid stop the catalase reaction?

It denatures it

What happens when liver is added to acid and H2O2?

Due the presence of catalase enzymes, the liver convert it to water and oxygen. Equation: 2H2O2 -----> 2H2O + O2

What happens to a metal when exposed to an acid after three days?

The answer depends on what the metal is. Some metals react readily with acid, and some do not.

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Chemical Weathering.. because as rocks exposed to acid rains like limestones, it slowly dissolve and change into a new form

What kind of weathering happens to a rock exposed to an acid rain?

Chemical Weathering.. because as rocks exposed to acid rains like limestones, it slowly dissolve and change into a new form

What happens if we oxidize a carboxylic acid?

During oxidation of a carboxylic acid carbon dioxide is released from the molecule.

Why does addition of H2SO4 stop reactions?

H2SO4 is an acid, so when you add that to the catalase reactions, the pH drops below where the catalase can function. Acids have lower pH and therefore the catalase can no longer function, so the reaction stops.

Did the addition of acid increase or decrease the activity of catalase?

Catalase is an enzyme that catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. It requires an optimum pH of 7 to properly function, thus the addition of acid will decrease or deactivate the enzyme.