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  1. What will happen is that when you touch the hot object the nervous system will send a signal to the brain which will make you react to the hot object and that is what happen when you touch the hot object . Example : a hot stove , a hot light bud, the seat in the summer which is like burning your bum ,and that are some example for hot object...or it will hurt alot
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It burns.

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Q: What happens to the dermis when you touch something hot?
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Thermal conductivity most determines how hot or cold something feels when you touch it. The nerve endings in your skin determine what is hot and cold when you touch it.

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an action forms

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Thermal conductivity most determines how hot or cold something feels when you touch it. The nerve endings in your skin determine what is hot and cold when you touch it.

What is function of the papillary layer?

The Papillary is the upper layer of the dermis that has ridges and valleys causing finger prints. It has receptors which communicate with the central nervous system, these include touch, pressure, hot, cold and pain receptors.

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It is natural for the brain to respond of touch something too hot to handle by pulling the fingers away from it.

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Your nerves will send a message to your brain and your brain quickly sends a message back telling you to stop touching the hot or cold object,and that's your answer.