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Q: What happens to the dog after he sees Odysseus?
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What happens when Odysseus sees Argos?

Odysseus cries a tear, but wipes it from his eye. Argos perks up at the vistor and wags his tail. He asks the swineherd Eumaeus about the dog, who tells him about Argos. When Argos recognizes Odysseus, he dies.

Why is Odysseus sad when he sees Argos his old hound?

Odysseus is sad when he sees Argos, his old hound, because he remembers the loyalty and companionship they shared when he left for the Trojan War. Seeing Argos weak and neglected serves as a poignant reminder of the passage of time and the toll that his long journey has taken on both of them.

Who does Odysseus see in the underworld?

Odysseus sees a bunch of random souls as soon as he prepares the offering( to get Tiresias to come up in the underworld to visit him and tell him his future) Odysseus sees his mom, Anticeleia, he sees as well Achilles, Ajax, Agamemnon, and of course Tiresias.

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Odysseus sees her in the underworld. He was unaware that his mother had died.

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Circe was opening the door of her estate for Odysseus.

What does Odysseus learn has happened to his mother?

She has died while he was at war. Odysseus sees his mother Anticlea in the underworld.

Where does Odysseus see his mother?

After leaving for Troy from their home of Ithaca, Odysseus next sees his mother in the land of the dead.

What was the most horrid sight Odysseus sees?

sirens for sure

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What does Ino give to Odysseus?

Poseidon sees Odysseus and creates a storm to destroy his ship. Ino gives Odysseus a veil that will protect him after the ship is wrecked.

What does Odysseus dog do when Odysseus reurns?

Odysseus' dog, Argus, recognizes Odysseus even when he is dressed up as a beggar and wags his tail. However, because he was neglected, he dies on the spot. :(

When the cyclops first sees Odysseus and the crew what does he do?

The Cyclops Polyphemus starts a conversation with Odysseus and his men, asking who they are, where they are from, and what they are doing in his cave.