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If the egg is fertilised a hen can sit on it for 21 days and hatch it into a chick. Or you can incubate it but if the hen sits on it for a few days then gets off and stays off then throw it away and don't eat it because there will probably be a chick developing inside and i really think you don't want to eat that. It's still ok if the hen gets off for food and water but it has to come back on fairly soon or the egg won't hatch. If you get the egg even before a hen can sit on it then it is ok to eat. It's probably still good if you collect eggs once or twice daily.

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13y ago

Eggs are fertilized to continue the species. It is natures way to ensure a new chicken comes along to replace the chickens who die.

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9y ago

it turns into a chick

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Q: What happens to the egg in the woman's body after it is fertilized?
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Where do the egg cells travel through in the womans body?

Egg cells will travel through the Fallopian, or uterine, tube to the uterus where it will implant if it was fertilized.

What happens to an egg if it is not fertilized by the time it reaches the uterus?

It leaves the body in the process of menstruation.

What happens to fertilized egg?

The fertilized egg becomes an embryo and later becomes a fetus.

Do all women bleed when the egg is fertilized?

No, they bleed during implantation. When the egg is fertilized, it happens in the space of the fallopian tube. In a sense, the body doesn't "know" there's a fertilized egg until implantation occurs. There are no signs of fertilization before implantation.

What happens to the egg when it fertilized?


What is a womans period?

A woman's period is what happens when a females uterus has one or occasionally two eggs that is not fertilized by a male in a certain amount of time. The egg must come out, so the egg comes out with a bit of blood. How you get it fertilized by a male is through sex.

Where is the zygote in the human body?

what do you mean by out side. you mean when an egg is fertilized outside of the womans body or did you mean the path the zygote takes once its formed? the zygote inside of a woman is fertilized for about 3 days and latches onto the uterus and then becomes an embryo.... if you mean by a sex clinic (fertilization clinic) its fertilized by a sperm donor and on a petri dish and it fertilizes. theres more than one egg due to the fact not all might make it. then when the egg is fertilized the put it back in the womans uterus and then again it becomes an embryo and latches onto the uterus :P hope that helps-

What happens to the uterus wall before the release of an egg?

After the release of an egg, the uterus will form a thick lining of blood within its wall in preparation for the implantation of a fertilized egg in the wall of the uterus. If the egg will not be fertilized, the thick lining of blood with exit the body in the process of menstruation.

What happens to fertilized plant egg cells?

They are horny

What happens to the egg?

The fertilized egg becomes an embryo and later becomes a fetus.

What happens to an egg if it is not fertilized within 24 hours after it is released?

If egg is not fertilized in 24 hours after ovulation,it break down and disappear

What happens in the uterus if the egg is fertilized?

It starts growing.....into a baby........