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Q: What happens to the elecrical energy when you turn on a toster?
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Electrical enegry or elecrical engry.

When you turn on the toaster on what happens to the electrical energy?

When you turn on a toaster, the electrical energy transforms into thermal energy to toast your bread. =]

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it turn to itoroyut then it to soil

When you turn on a toaster what happens to electrical energy?

it heats up

When you turn the toaster on what happens to the energy?

The electrical energy gets transformed into electromagnetic (light) energy and thermal (heat) energy.

What happens when you turn on a battery operated toothbrush?

Chemical energy changes to electrical energy which changes into mechanical energy

What happens when you turn on a battery-operated toothbrush?

Chemical energy changes to electrical energy which changes into mechanical energy

When you turn a toaster onwhat happens to the electrical energy?

Hii 6a6Y^ - Who does that ?! =/

When you turn a toaster on what happens to the electrical?

The electrical energy gets transformed into electromagnetic (light) energy and thermal (heat) energy.

What happens to a basketball's kinetic energy as it rises toward the basket?

The basketball's kinetic energy begins to turn into potential energy as it reaches the basket.

What happens when plants photosynthesise?

They take the sun's energy and with chloroplasts (which make plants green) turn the sun's energy into sugar.

What happens to electricity when you turn on an elactric lamp?

you use up energy and it is turned into heat