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The potential energy starts decreasing. It gets converted into kinetic energy.

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Q: What happens to the energy In a ball when it drops to the floor?
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What happens to the energy of a ball when it is dropped to the floor?

The kinetic energy of the ball is converted into elastic energy through deformation (I assume we are not talking about steel balls). The elastic energy is then released, pushing the ball back up. Some energy is lost in the ball where it will cause heating, and some is probably lost to the floor, depending how elastic the floor is, so the rebound bounce won't reach the same height as the initial height, but total energy must be conserved.

What happens if the pitcher drops the ball while in contact with the runner?

If the pitcher is in contact with the runner, the runner is safe if the pitcher drops the ball. If the pitcher is in contact with the rubber, it is a balk if he drops the ball.

What kind of energy does a ball have?

-- A ball on a shelf has gravitational potential energy with respect to the floor. -- A ball in motion has kinetic energy. -- A ball of fire has heat energy. -- A ball of trinitrotoluene has chemical energy. -- A ball of charged pith has static electric energy. -- A ball of U235 has nuclear energy.

What is the main form of energy of a ball moving across the floor?

kinetic energy

Is the energy produced by a ball rolling on the floor called mechanical energy?


Which energy transformation that takes place when a ball is dropped to the floor?

Kinetic Energy

When a ball travels back up what is the energy change?

A ball starts from a height. It has Gravitational Potential energy. As it drops, this is converted into kinetic energy as it gains speed. When it strikes the ground, the kinetic energy is converted into elastic strain energy as the ball flexes. Some energy is converted to heat due to internal friction when the ball flexes. Energy may also be used up in damage to floor or ball. Where parts of the material move in elastically, such as forming a dent or crater, energy is used. Remaining energy is converted back into kinetic energy as the ball bounces. As the ball regains height, it slows as kinetic energy is converted back into gravitational potential energy. Repeat.

What is the energy conversion which takes place as the ball drops through the air?


What kind of energy conversion happens when you play ball?

Kinetic Energy

A basketball rolling across a flat floor has energy?

A basketball rolling across a flat floor has translational and rotational kinetic energy. There's a force of gravity pulling the ball down towards the floor, and a reaction force pushing the ball up away from the floor.

How do you measure a dropped ball's potential energy?

When a ball is dropped, it no longer has potential energy. Before it drops, you can calculate the potential energy (= mgh); to actually measure this, you would have to measure the force, and multiply that by the distance.

What newtons law explains why a ball bounces?

when a ball is dropped it hits the floor and the ball is flattened. That creates energy. The only way the ball can release the energy is bouncing back up. But the ball starts to lose its height and the ball eventually loses its energy and comes to a stop.