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It is either used again (many enzymes are used multiple times before broken down) or is broken down.

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13y ago

It remains available to catalyze another reaction.

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Q: What happens to the enzymes after the substrate reacts?
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Where does an enzymes join with a substrate?

The enzyme substrate complex

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in an enzyme-substrate complex, the enzyme acts on the substrate .

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Competition among various enzymes for same substrate

What do they compare enzymes to in your everyday life?

enzymes are compared to a substrate.

How does an enzymes active relate to its substrate?

The substrate binds to the active site.

How can you use substrate in a sentence?

the material or substance in which an enzyme reacts is known as a substrate.

How does substrate concentration and pH affect enzymes?

Substrate concentration will affect enzymes because substrates are specific to enzymes. The pH will affect enzymes because certain enzymes will work better in certain pH levels.

What is the substance on which the enzymes works?

A substrate

What is the advantage of enzymes not being used up in reactions?

Let say enzyme 1 has a shape of A. When it encounters a solute particle of shape A', enzyme jumps on the particle so to speak changing its shape to A'' and back to A' in less than nano second and when that shape change happens the solute particle becomes highly unstable and now can react with other solute particles and hence carry out the reaction. Enzyme jumps on substrate --> substrate unstable --> enzyme jumps back out of substrate --> unstable substrate reacts with another substrate.

How does an enzymes active site relate to it substrate?

The substrate binds to the active site.