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Q: What happens to the gas in a balloon when it pops?
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What happens when a balloon gets poked with a pin?

The Balloon Pops

What happens as the temperature of a gas in a balloon increase?

The balloon expands or even pops. Because when a gas gains heat energy the particles in it move faster and further apart creating a greater force on the inside of the balloon until the balloon cannot contain that force.

What happens if you put a balloon in hot air?

it pops

What happens to a balloon when it pops?

it makes a kid cry

What happens to a balloon if taken to a top of a mountain?

It pops

What happens to when heat is added to a balloon filled with air?

the Balloon starts to get starts to heat up and then it pops

What happens when a helium-filled balloon is released and rises into the atmosphere?

It pops

What happens when a balloon floats up into the atmosphere?

when a balloon floats up into the atmosphere it pops because a balloon need oxygen and there is no oxygen in the atmosphere

What happens to the particles of a balloon when its in a refrigerator?

it pops and goes every where dont try it.

What happens if you heat a balloon?

If you gradually heat a balloon, then the gas inside the balloon will expand, causing the balloon to become bigger in volume.If you put a balloon above a flame, then the balloon will pop because the heat will weaken bonds in the polymer that makes up the balloon, thus the polymer will not be able to hold the pressure of the gas inside the balloon.

What happens when a balloon filled with water is pricked with a pin?

The balloon pops and the water falls out and splashes onto the floor.

When a balloon pops what changes take place to the gas inside?

the attractive forces between gas molocules increase <======8