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Q: What happens to the gravitational force between objects getting farther away A. it increases B. it decreases?
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Is gravity reduced as you move away from the sun?

The mutual gravitational force of attraction between you and the sun decreases as you move farther from the sun. Just the same as the mutual gravitational force of attraction between you and the earth, or any other body, decreases as you move farther from the other body.

How does the gravitational force between two objects that are close together compared to the gravitational force between two objects as they move farther apart?

As the objects move farther apart, the gravitational force between them decreases. Every time the distance between them doubles, the force between them drops 75%.

How does gravitational force between two objects that are close together compared to the gravitational force between two objects as they move farther apart?

As the objects move farther apart, the gravitational force between them decreases. Every time the distance between them doubles, the force between them drops 75%.

How does the gravitational force between two objects that are close together compare to the gravitational force between two objects as they move farther apart?

As the objects move farther apart, the gravitational force between them decreases. Every time the distance between them doubles, the force between them drops 75%.

What reduces gravitational force between objects?

Answer The Universal Law of Gravitation states the gravitational force between any two objects of mass can be calculated with the equation F=G*(m_1*m_2)/r^2. As a result, increasing the mass of one or both objects increases the gravitational force. Increasing the distance between the two objects decreases the gravitational force. Notice the distance between them is squared so if you keep the masses the same and double the distance between them the gravitational force will decrease by four times.

Does gravity increase or decrease when the distance increases between two objects?

Gravity decrease as you get farther, and every mass has gravitational pull.

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When you moved two objects farther apart how would this affect the force of gravity between the two objects?

As distance increases, the force of gravity decreases.

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Electronegativity decreases because the valence electrons are farther from the nucleus.

Does the volume of a gas always increase when temperature increases and pressure decreases?

Yes. When the temperature increases the molecules are more excited and move farther apart. When the pressure decreases, the molecules also have more space and will fill the void.

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The world is warmed by sunlight, which passes through the (mostly) transparent atmosphere, and warms up the ground. The farther away from the ground you get, the farther you are from the warmth of the ground.

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Pressure increases as you get closer to earth.