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The number of higher-level consumers (higher in the pyramid) usually decreases, as they typically consume more than one prey.

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Q: What happens to the number of organisms as you move from the bottom of an energy pyramid to the top?
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What trophic levels is at the base of each energy pyramid?

Usually Producers are at the bottom of the energy pyramid such as Grass, Fungi, dead leaves, ect.

Which level of a energy pyramid has the greatest number of organisms?

Large predators such as bears, lions, sharks, and humans.

Where are decomposers on the energy pyramid?

They fit at the bottom of the energy pyramid with the most energy because they get some of the energy from the sun and they get the rest from the producers and consumers who pass it down. Also because most or all sit on the ground they dont use very much in my opinion that is where the decomposers in the energy pyramid

Why are there fewer organisms higher on the energy pyramid?

The higher you are on the pyramid the less energy you get, so it takes a lot of stamina and endurance to be at the top.

What type of pyramid shows energy flow through an ecosystem?

An energy pyramid portrays the flow of energy by displaying the plants at the bottom, who get the most energy from the sun, and then gradually moving up to herbivores as it shows the transferal of energy from the plants to the herbivores and how the amount of energy received is significantly less than the original amount. The pyramid then shows how energy is passed from carnivore to carnivore and decreases in amount each time. The pyramid gets smaller as you reach the top of the food chain because not as much energy can be acquired by eating an animal that has eaten another animal that has eaten a plant that received energy from the sun. The energy decreases as it is passed from one creature to the next and the pyramid depicts this as it gets smaller toward the top. Helpful?

Related questions

Where is the most energy in the pyramid?

The producers are found at the bottom. They contain the most amount of energy and the energy is transferred to other organisms in the food pyramid. [Consumers].

Why is the bottom part of the energy pyramid the largest?

The bottom part of energy pyramid consists of producers, hence it is largest. All the other organisms depend on primary producers for their energy requirement directly or indirectly.

What would be located at the bottom of an energy pyramid found in the ocean?

In an energy pyramid, algae would be the substance found at the bottom trophic level. Algae are eukaryotic organisms, and can be unicellular or multicellular.

What happens at every ascending level of the pyramid of energy?

energy is increased, unless the real answer is...the amount of available energy is decreased..or it could be BIG FACE 100s

What is pyramid of energy?

a pyramid of energy shows how organisms get or produce their food

Why is an energy pyramid wide at the bottom and narrow at the top?

The organisms at the top of the pyramid receive only a small fraction of the energy that originally enters the system.

Organisms at the bottom of the pyramid produce enough energy to support the entire ecosystem through?

Producers do it by using photosynthesis.

Is the earthworm closer to the bottom or the top of the energy pyramid?

The Earthworm is at the bottom of the Energy Pyramid. It is a decomposer.

Which organisms does the base of an energy pyramid?

Plants represent the base of the Energy Pyramid.

What happens to the energy that is not passed through the trophic levels of an energy pyramid?

It used by the organisms at each trophic level to keep themselves alive.

Most energy found on the food pyramid?

The bottom of the food pyramid (plants mostly) have the greatest amount of energy available. The best argument for vegetarianism I ever heard.

In a energy pyramid the most energy is found at?

Ina an energy pyramid, the most energy is found at the bottom or base of the pyramid.