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they surround and kill the organism.

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Q: What happens to the number of white blood cells during infection?
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What happens to the number of white blood cells in the body during an infection?

The number of white blood cells increase during an infection, so they can fight off the pathogens quicker.

What type of blood cell increaces dramatically in numbers during infection A.platelets B.leukocytes C.erythrocytes?

during infection , no of leuckocytes increases in number to battle more with the infectious pathogen

What blood cells will be most active during infection?

The white blood cells.

What infection causes black blood clots during menstration?

No, infection. The black blood clots are just old blood that didn't shed the month before.

What are the particles in urine during a bladder infection?

It could be blood clots.

What happens to the number of white blood cells when an infection is present?

The presences of a large number of white bloods are usually a good indicator of infection due to the fact that white blood cells fight off pathogens. If a wound becomes infected that means that bacteria, viruses, fungi, or any other type of foreign body then white blood cells rush to the site to try and prevent the infection from spreading. This is sometimes how doctors are able to see if there is an underlying problem with a patient, such as an infection. They take blood samples and see the concentration of white to red.

How does blood infected with bacteria differ from healthy blood?

More white blood cells are produced during an infection

What do you think happens to the number of white blood cells when a person is fighting an infection?

In the early stages of an infection, most of the increase in WBCs is attributable to the increase in neutrophils. As the infection continues, lymphocytes increase. Worm infections can trigger an increase in eosinophils, whereas allergic conditions, such as hay fever, trigger an increase in basophils.

What happens if white blood cell count is high?

If white blood cell count is high that means the body is responding to an infection.

Will there be blood on the swab or brush during a pap smear?

should not blood on the sweb but infection is compound then blood possible

If you have orange blood during your period can you be pregnant?

No, just an infection. Go and see the doctor

What happens if a former heroin addict's vein swells up after 8 months of no use?

Increased blood flow, decreased blood flow, or infection.