

Best Answer

Then they will eat the other animals in the wide variety of animals that they eat.

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Q: What happens to the orcas if there is less seals to eat?
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Do orcas eat salmon?

Orcas will eat seals, and seals are mammals.

Do seals eat killer whale?

yes they do they eat seals and sea lions the magnifficent creatures

Do orcas eat turtles?

No, not normally. Usually, they eat seals and fish.

Do orcas eat sea turtles?

No, not normally. Usually, they eat seals and fish.

Do mammals eat carnivores?

Sure. Orcas are mammals, and the don't mind dining on seals. Seals are carnivores. So mammals eat carnivores.

What eats the Arctic seal?

Polar bears, sharks and orcas will eat seals.

Do leopord seals eat killer whales?

Its the complete opposite, orcas have no natural predators :)

What food did killer whale eat?

Killer Whales (AKA Orcas) eat seals, penguins, and even other whales.

What do Orcas eat in Antarctica?

Orca whales are naturally comfortable in liquid water, including that which surrounds Antarctica.

What do seals have to worry about in cold water?

In cold water, seals have to worry about food supplies and predators. There are several animals that eat seals including polar bears and orcas or killer whales. Seals also have to worry about a lack of food.

What whales do orcas eat?

Fish, squid, baby whales and other marine animals

What would happen if a orcas habitat was desroyed?

If the orcas habitat was destroyed their would be trouble in that food chain.There will be to many seals and the wont have enough fish to eat and it would damage their food chain.