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atomic number increases

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Q: What happens to the size of the halogen atoms as you go down the group?
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What happens to the size of atoms down group 1?

it's socks, eh?

What happens to the size of the atoms as you move down the periodic table in group 7?

Down the group, size increases. Because number of shells increases.

Why are halides electronegative if they are cations?

halogen atoms are electronegative- fluorine has the highest and it reduces as you go down the group (as the elemnts get heavier). Halide ions are ANIONS- . They all have octet outer shells.

Halogen with the least-negative electron affinity?

The halogen with the least-negative electron affinity is astatine. Electron affinity and electronegativities decreases down a group. Since astatine is the last halogen located in Group 17 as you move down the column from fluorine, it has the least negative electron affinity.

Where is the halogen gases found on the periodic table?

The Halogens are from Florine and down. They are the group 17 elements.

Why melting point decrease down the group for Alkali metals but increase for Halogens?

Because the atomic radius increases down the group 1 and decreases down the group of halogen

What is the atomic radius of iodide ion?

The ionic radius of the iodide ion, I- is 206pm. It is one of the largest monatomic anions. The ionic radii of the halogen ions increase down the halogen group.

As you go down in group 1 why do the atoms get bigger in cross section?

As you go down group 1, the atoms get bigger because that is the way the periodic table is arranged. Which does not make sense pls....... Somefing detailed

Is halogen an element belonging to group 17 of the periodic table?

halogens are the element placed in the 17th group of the period table. they have valency 1 and are the most reactive and the most electronegative elements.Halogens include flourine,chlorine,bromine,iodine and astatine (the radioactive element) their electronegativity decreases down the group. halogens are also called as salt forming elements.

What happens to the atomic number as you go down the group?

Atomic number increases down the group and along the period as well.

How do the sizes of atoms vary within a group (family)and explain why?

The atomic radius increase down in a group; the cause is the lower attraction from the nucleus atoms with increased bigger atomic mass.

What happens to the atomic structure as you go down any group?

Down a group, the atomic size (energy level / shells) increases.