

What happens to the sugar which is not used for energy?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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It can be stored in your muscles and liver as glycogen. It can also be converted to fat and stored.

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Q: What happens to the sugar which is not used for energy?
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The energy in photosynthesis is used to make Glucose (sugar).

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they are used by the plant as energy and nutrition.

What happens when sugar is melted in a spoon?

energy is released

What is the main sugar used by cells for energy?

Cells have multiple sources of nutrients including fats and sugars, that can be used to create energy. As far as sugar is concerned, glucose is the sugar that is used by cells to produce energy.

What energy is used to create sugar?

Sugar is created in photosynthesis, therefore the energy would be light energy from the sun.

How sugar is used in the body?

Sugar is metabolized as a source of energy.

What happens to the left over food made by a plant?

If it is not used to make energy or structures, it is usually stored in the form of a polysaccharide (complex sugar) such as starch.

What happens to the sugar plants make?

They are broken down in respiration. Energy is obtained by that

Does a starch affect a diabetic the same as sugar?

Yes because Starch is carbs. Carbs turn to sugar in the body to be used for energy. Once this happens, Your blood sugar will raise. So starch and sugar areeee the same thing. They're just broken down differently.

What happens if there is not enough sugar in the body?

sugar is needed for energy. If you do not eat, your body will scavenge sugar out of storage forms in the liver and muscles. if that runs out, it will start to burn fat to get energy. protein can also be converted to energy. basically if you run out of sugar, your body will begin using what it can to keep the energy flowing by scavenging parts of the body.

What happens when plants photosynthesise?

They take the sun's energy and with chloroplasts (which make plants green) turn the sun's energy into sugar.

How is the energy from sugar used in your body?

You already wrote the answer! TO GIVE YOU ENERGY! cs