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Q: What happens to the thermometer when it enters in cold water?
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What happens when a cold thermometer is kept in a hot tub of water?

the termometre gets warmer

What happens when water enters a crack of a rock and freezes in it?

If it freezes just a little it becomes cold water, but if it freezes more it becomes ice.

How do you check the water temperature in the cold water?

Use a thermometer. =====================

What happens to the mercury level when the cold thermometer is kept in a hot tub of water?

The answer is: when it is kept so the mercury level in the tube increases showing the temperature

What instrument measures hot or cold air?

a thermometer

How cold is Fridge Water?

Once the water temperature reach -4°,it does not freeze anymore,

What happens to cooling system when engine is cold?

the water continues to cycle through the water pump, radiator, and heater core until the engine reaches sufficient temperature to open the thermostat. when the thermostat opens, cooler water enters the engine block and heads and warmer water is pulled out of the block, enters the radiator to be cooled, and the cycle continues

What happens when hot water meets cold water?

cold water is much heavier than hot water . the water becomes warm

How would you find the temperature of the water?

please study your lesson and listen to your teacher when she/he is teaching....dont chatwith your friend whille teaching so that you dont need to research understandddddddddddddddddd

What measures how cold or hot something is?

a Thermometer.

What instrument measures how hot or cold something is?

A thermometer is an instrument that measures cold and heat, together with temperature variations.

What happens when cold water meets warm water?

it becomes a mixture of a warm and cold water :)))