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what happens is that the air(vapor) changes state back to liquid when it hits the cold glass since the temperature lowers the energy of the gas and transforms it back to a liquid.

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Q: What happens to water vapor when it cools on a glass of ice tea and becomes a liquid?
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No. A mineral must be solid to be a mineral. For example, liquid water is not a mineral. Frozen water, or ice, is a mineral.

How does a glass thermometer works?

As the liquid in the thermometer is heated it expands, and the only way the expanding liquid can go is upward. As the liquid in the thermometer cools, it will contract, and the liquid will fall back down into the resevoir, causing the column of liquid to move downward.

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If lava cools too fast, whether it is mafic, felsic, or intermediate crystals fail to develop and volcanic glass forms.

What property of glass means that it's not a perfect material for making windows?

Glass is brittle, it breaks when bent or hit, curved windows are made that way when the glass is still hot ans malleable, once it cools it becomes brittle.

What happens if a crystal rapidly cools?

By TOO fast I assume you are asking why the glass breaks?Cooling causes the molecules in the glass to loose energy. When hot the atoms are forced farther apart. As they cool they come closer together. This causes mechanical stress. If the difference in stress of adjacent areas becomes too great a fracture between the two areas occur.

Is volcanic glass a Granite?

No. Granite cools from magma deep underground. Volcanic glass cools quickly at or near the surface.

What happens as the molecules in a liquid move around?

the molecules will go slowly around in the glass

What happens when are heated?

usally they melt if not it becomes hot when you heat glass you can mold like clay and when you cool it down it becomes a solid

Why the water and glass becomes cool when you mix glucose in water?

It is because glucose absorbs the heat in the water for phase transition, i.e, transition from solid to liquid state. Hence water becomes cool and so does the glass.

What liquid is not wet?

The "wetting" that happens when an object is immersed in a liquid depends on the surface energy of the object and the capilary forces in action on the surface of the liquid. for example mercury will not "wet" glass but water can wet the same glass.

What happens if you add or remove energy to a glass of water?

if you add it will stay liquid but if you remove it will freeze