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Q: What happens to you when your chest and throat is burning?
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What happens when you have chest pain?

you might have a sour throat and might cough frequently and can cause head aches

What happens if you hyperventilate and then have someone push on your chest?

they are making it worse. When you hyperventilate it is normally from shock not from food lodged in your throat.

Where does heartburn occurs?

Heartburn occurs within the esophagus and stomach. Stomach acid travels up the esophagus causing a burning feeling in the throat and chest.

Why does your throat keep burning?

You may have a sore throat or strep throat

What is the defining characteristic of a Premature ventricular contraction?

Flutters in throat and chest, dizzyness, and fatigue. Flutters in throat and chest, dizzyness, and fatigue.

What is Heartburn or burning condition in the stomach?

your stomach acid may be eating a hole in your stomach lining. If the pain is in your chest and throat it maybe acid reflux. There's pills for both

What are the symptoms of a Dichlorhydramine overdose?

drowsiness, dizziness, poor coordination, restlessness, excitability, nervousness, and upset stomach

Is Adam gontier using his chest or throat voice to sing?

Both. I think... But really, throat

What is located in the throat?

The windpipe (trachea) and vocal cords (larynx) are there.

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Is a whale group with dorsal fin and a series of grooves along the throat and chest?

A whale group with dorsal fin and a series of grooves along the throat and chest is: rorqual

What are some heart burn symptoms?

The most common symptoms of heartburn are, painful burning sensations in the esophagus, just below or behind the breastbone. The pain often rises in your chest and may radiate to your neck or throat.