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Blood is routed away from your skin.

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Q: What happens to your body to make you pale and clammy?
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What are the signs for heat exhaustion?

weakness,high perspiration, high body temperatur, and pale, clammy skin. its NOT nausea!!!!

What are signs of traumatic shock?

Signs of traumatic shock include weak and rapid pulse, shallow and rapid breathing, and pale, cool, clammy skin

What color will pale yellow and pale peach make?

Sort of a pale orange.

Is the Airman's confusion and anxiousness a cause for concern?

Confusion and anxiety are indications that the airman is in shock. Other signs and symptoms that the airman may exhibit are a weak pulse and pale, cool, or clammy skin.

When a person suffering a severe asthma attack is pale cool and clammy what does this signify?

It signifies they are having a severe asthma attack. It also signifies they require immediate medical attention, as the results of this can be fatal.

What colours make pale blue?

To make pale blue, mix blue and white together :)

Can having bad circulation in your hands make them pale compared to the rest of your body If so what can I do to fix this?

Your hands will look pale if you have bad circulation. You can see a neurologist or a vascular surgeon if you are having problems with circulation.

What causes a shock victim to be pale?

The patients body withdraws the blood into the centre of the body for the vital organs - away from the skin - which makes the skin look pale.

What are the symptoms for someone who has lost 2 liters of blood?

The person would be going into shock. They may be pale, with cool clammy skin. Shallow breathing with a rapid heartbeat. Dizzyness and weakness. Confusion as well may be present.

What are the vital sign of a person experiencing shock?

The heart rate is typically rapid and fluttery. The skin may be pale and clammy. The person may be cool to the touch, and they may be disoriented and confused. Respiration would be rapid and shallow.

What color do white and yellow make?

A pale yellow

Why are vampires pale?

Vampires pale because they are actually dead. When you die, your body feels freezing and, if you are white, you go pale. But if you are black you stay the color. Hope I helped :)