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Without oxygen the muscles switch to the less efficient fermentation process to extract energy from glucose. This floods the muscle cells with lactic acid, causing a burning sensation. If the lactic acid levels rise high enough the muscle cells begin to degrade and some may even die.

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Q: What happens to your muscles in anaerobic respiration?
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What happens when you cramp?

cramping generally refers to the build up of lactic acid in the muscles due to the process of anaerobic respiration.

What is the relationship between your muscles andanaerobic respiration?

you use oxygen in your muscles to do work and anaerobic respiration uses oxygen.

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What type of respiration does muscle cells perform?

Aerobic respiration is the type of respiration that takes place in resting muscle tissue. This is in contrast to the anaerobic respiration that happens when muscles are exercised.

What happens in respiration reactions if no oxygen is present?

This is when anaerobic respiration takes place. It is respiration without using oxygen. However, when anaerobic respiration takes place, lactic acid is produced and accumulates until the muscles cannot work any more. This is why anaerobic respiration can not happen for very long. After anaerobic respiration, the person usually has to breathe heavily in order to break down the lactic acid and to 'pay back the oxygen debt'.

What is the difference between aerobic and anarobic celluar respiration?

Aerobic respiration is when there is enough oxygen to use by the muscles. This happpens in long distance running. Anaerobic respiration is when respiration continues without sufficient oxygen,This happens more often in sprinting. Anaerobic respiration forces the muscles to rip and repair more often, and become bigger and more efficient. This is why sprinters like Christine Ohuruogu tend to be more muscular than marathon runners such as Paula Radcliffe.

What substance related to cell respiration might make your muscles burn or cramp?

anaerobic respiration

Why is anaerobic respiration required?

When oxygen runs out, the muscles and other cells need to obtain energy from oxygen and nutrients. Anaerobic respiration (respiration without oxygen) fills this need.

What is the relationship between your ability to do work with your muscles and anaerobic respiration?


What is the disadvantadage of anaerobic respiration?

It produces lactic acid which exhausts your muscles in no time

What gets built up in your muscles during anaerobic respiration?

lactic acid

What do humans produce during anaerobic respiration that harms muscles?

lactic acid