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Q: What happens to your voice box after you stop smoking?
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What are smoking related death categories?

lung cancer, could lose voice complately and have to get a voice box if you are asking this question because you smoke stop somkeing now

What happens when you say a word?

Your voice box vibrates.

Do you get a deeper voice from smoking?

It sure can! In most cases permanent changes to voice would happen over a period of several years of smoking. However routine smoking can cause a person to have periodic episodes of hoarseness esp with bronchitis or "colds." If you smoke and have a sudden change in your voice that lasts more than several days have it checked out by your doctor as it could be serious, for example a tumor or polyp in your throat or voice box (larynyx.)

What happens if you laugh too much?

If you laugh to much; you can cause serious damage to your lung and laugh box. According to the science agency, laughing to much can cause your voice to lose and will make you have sugery to remove your laughing box. I advise you to stop laughing to much for this won't have surgery but you can lose your voice for a short time,I'm sorry but there is no such thing as a "laugh box" maybe a diaphragm.

How to talk?

Use your voice box I mean Use my voice box

What does the voice box do for the body?

your voice box makes you talk

What does larynx (voice box) do?

Your Larynx is a voice box, this lets you talk

Does your heart stop when you hiccop?

No, your heart is still beating. When air rushes to your voice box, it causes you to gasp for air (hiccuping).

What happens to the body when people laugh?

When an individual laughs, their voice box vibrates and so you shake a little bit in the process.

What happens if you can't talk anymore?

Your voice box would be gone, you might not be able to breathe and maybe you might die.

What is the other name for the human voice box?

The voice box is called a larynx.

Is the voice box on the left side of the throat?

The voice box is medial in the throat,