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Your basal metabolic rate typically decreases as you age due to factors such as loss of muscle mass, decreased physical activity, and hormonal changes. This can result in a slower metabolism and potentially lead to weight gain if dietary habits aren't adjusted. Regular exercise and strength training can help counteract this decline in metabolic rate.

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Q: What happens to your your basal metabolic rate as you age?
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What does your bmr do as you age?

As you age, your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) tends to decrease. This decrease is primarily due to factors such as loss of muscle mass, hormonal changes, and overall decrease in physical activity levels. It's important to adjust your calorie intake and activity level to accommodate for this decrease in BMR to maintain a healthy weight.

Why do you get fatter as you age?

As you age, your metabolism tends to slow down, leading to a decrease in energy expenditure. Additionally, hormonal changes and decreased muscle mass can contribute to weight gain. Adopting healthy eating habits and staying active can help mitigate these effects.

What are main biochemical changes in old age?

In old age, there is a decrease in metabolic rate, leading to reduced energy production. There is also a decline in enzyme activity, affecting the efficiency of biochemical reactions. Additionally, changes in hormone levels and altered nutrient absorption can impact overall biochemical functioning in older individuals.

Which region had the highest growth rate of all three age groups?

The 20-34 age group had the highest growth rate in the Midwest region.

What happens to peoples energy needs as they get older?

As people get older, their overall energy needs may decrease due to a reduction in muscle mass and physical activity. Metabolic rate tends to decrease with age, meaning that fewer calories are required for daily functioning. However, individual energy needs vary based on factors such as activity level, muscle mass, and overall health.

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The primary reason the basal metabolic rate slows with increasing age is because?

lean body mass diminishes.

As you get older it will become harder to eat whatever you want and maintain a healthy weight This is because your basal metabolic rate or BMR as you age?


Who has the the highest metabolic rate?

Basal metabolic rate is determined by 4 factors: Height, weight, age and gender. It is also dependent on the physical fitness and muscle content of the person. Tall males with a high muscle content and excellent physical fitness would have the highest metabolic rates.

Why a person's metabolic rate naturally decline with age?

The metabolic rate begins to decline at age 30.

What factors increase metabolic rate?

Since muscle burns about 8 times more calories than fat, having more lean tissue, or muscle, can increase the basal metabolic rate. Another way of increasing your metabolic rate is by doing frequent exercise. As the body is going through the motions of exercise, the metabolic rate increases to supply energy to muscles through catabolism of sugars. pregnancy increases the BMR~ jmata

What effects the metabolic rate?

I'm assuming you mean Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Most conventional formulas to estimate BMR use your current weight, height, and age. With that, current weight and height increase your BMR while age decreases it. Other factors include lean body mass (increase) and gender (males typically have a higher BMR).

What effect the body metabolic rate?

I'm assuming you mean Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Most conventional formulas to estimate BMR use your current weight, height, and age. With that, current weight and height increase your BMR while age decreases it. Other factors include lean body mass (increase) and gender (males typically have a higher BMR).

What can influence a person's metabolic rate?

Gender, age, and body shapes/sizes can affect a person's metabolic rate. ***Apex: All of the above

What 3 factors influence a person's basal metabloism?

Three factors that influence a person's basal metabolism are their age, gender, and body composition. Generally, metabolism tends to decrease with age, with men typically having a higher basal metabolic rate than women. Additionally, muscle mass typically burns more calories at rest compared to fat mass, so individuals with higher muscle mass may have a higher metabolism.

What is the approximate basal metabolism of a 132 lb woman?

The approximate basal metabolic rate (BMR) of a 132 lb woman would be around 1,329 to 1,452 calories per day. However, it's important to note that BMR can vary depending on factors such as age, height, and muscle mass.

The metabolic rate of individuals is influenced by?

the amount of fat gained or losed by the body, the calories burnet,

What factors influence a person's metabolic rate?

Gender, age and body size and type