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increase in size until it bursts

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Q: What happens when Entamoeba histolytica kept in fresh water?
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What does the presence of'Entamoeba histolytica' in drinking water indicate?

The presence of Entamoeba histolytica in drinking water indicates the contamination of water or we can say that water pollution.

Where do sarcodines live?

They live in both marine environments and live in fresh water. They move arou d in pweudopods. The answer above is a fail.Read more: What_type_of_environment_would_sarcodines_live_in

What are the causes of dysentry?

Entamoeba histolytica is the main cause of dysenteryit is an organism found in untreated drinking water

What is the infectious intestinal disease caused by the one celled parasite entamoeba histolytica called?

Amebic Dysentery also known as amebiasis, is transmitted by food or water that is contaminated due to poor sanitary conditions.

What is the scientific name for Montezuma Revenge?

Montezuma Revenge is also known as traveler's diarrhea. It is caused by consuming contaminated food or water and is typically due to bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections, such as E. coli, norovirus, or Giardia.

Infectious intestinal disease caused by the one-celled parasite Entamoeba histolytica?

Amebic Dysentery, also known as Amebiasis which is transmitted by food or water that is contaminated due to poor sanitary conditions source: introduction to medical terminology second ed. page 190, table 8.1

What happens to potatoes in fresh water and salt water?

In fresh water it will swell in salty one it will shrink

How is dysentery spread?

Amoebic dysentery is passed on by carelessness of people and negligible hygiene. The Entamoeba histolytica amoeba and the shigella bacteria often thrive in food and water contaminated by human feces. As these parasites live in the large intestine, they travel in the feces of infected people, and a number of times bacillary dysentery has occurred as the feces contaminate the water supplies where sanitation is poor, or where sewage mixes with drinking water.

What happens when marine protozoan is transferred to a fresh water medium?

marine protozoans transferred to fresh water will

What happens when you put a fresh water fish in salt water?

They die

What happens when fresh water cell is placed in salt water?

it dies

What happens to a fresh water fish when put in a salt water tank?

they will die