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Q: What happens when Jonas tries to make the standard community apology in the giver?
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What did Jonas learn about what happens to the old?

Jonas learned that when people in the community became too old to be productive or useful, they were released from the community, which essentially meant they were euthanized. This was done in a controlled and seemingly peaceful manner as a way to maintain the harmony and efficiency of the community.

What two Questions that the author left unanswered at the end of the book giver?

What two questions that the author left unanswered at the end of the book giver ?

Why the chief elder gave the society an apology?

For making a mistake and skipping Jonas at the Ceremony of Twelve. She also apologized for expressing Jonas with embarrassment and singling him out.

As they travel father from the community what happens to the memories Jonas has been given?

As Jonas travels further from the community, the memories he has been given start to fade and become less vivid. This is because the memories are linked to the Receiver's unique ability to transmit and store them, so as Jonas moves away, the connection weakens and the memories begin to dissipate.

What would happen to the community if Jonas had an accident and was lost or died?

The community would get all the memories

What do you think happened in the community the day that Jonas left?

When Jonas left the community at the end of "The Giver," it's likely that there was confusion and distress among the residents. They may have experienced a sense of loss and uncertainty about the future without Jonas. The community could have also begun questioning their way of life and the memories that Jonas shared with them.

What was the givers plan for changing in the community?

The Giver's plan was to let Jonas attempt to reach Elsewhere. When Jonas left the community, all the memories that were given to him by the Giver would have returned back to the community. When the community had these memories, they hoped that their way of life would be change.

What page did Jonas realize his community needed to change?

Jonas realizes that his community needs to change on page 137 of "The Giver" when he witnesses his father release a baby. This event prompts Jonas to question the values and practices of the community, leading to his realization that things are not as perfect as they seem.

Are there courtrooms or judges in Jonas's community?

No, there are no courtrooms or judges in Jonas's community. Disputes and wrongdoings are instead resolved by the Elders in a formal hearing called a "Committee of Elders."

What does Jonas like in The Giver?

Jonas has pale eyes unlike most of the other people in the community.

Who was the child Jonas saves in The Giver?

The child that Jonas saves in "The Giver" is Gabriel, a baby who is scheduled to be released because he is not developing according to the community's standards. Jonas takes Gabriel with him when he leaves the community in search of Elsewhere.

Why does the community cheer for Jonas?

The community cheers for Jonas because he is seen as a skilled and accomplished member, and he represents success and excellence in their eyes. He is respected for his achievements and contributions to the community.