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Good question!

First, the fluid that comes out is called 'Semen'. It contains hundreds of millions of spermatazoa, which are the living cells that can create a pregnancy in a woman. We usually call them just 'Sperm', or sometimes, 'Swimmers'. (They have little tails and can swim around in the semen.)

Second, the name for having semen squirt out of your penis is "Ejaculation". The slang word is "cumming". To have an ejaculation, the boy or man has what is called an orgasm. Women have orgasms, too, but no ejaculation. An orgasm feels quite wonderful, and results from thinking about girls (or boys) and rubbing or shaking the penis. (This is called, "Masturbation" or simply, "Jacking off") There are zillions of other words for it, too, in every language.

So, ejaculating 5 times a day is probably about a normal average for a boy after going through puberty. Some boys and men do it more, and some do it less.

Three things happen: You get to feel good each time, you might make your penis sore, and you will notice later in the day that a little less semen is ejaculated. That's about it. Masturbating is extremely normal as long as you do it in private so as not to annoy others.

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