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It sees both of them.

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Q: What happens when a bird focuses its both eyes on two different things?
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Do plants grow when you plant bird seed?

Yes they CAN grow but that does not mean they always will because different bird seed brands do different things with bird seeds witch can cause them not to grow.

What happens when a parakeet has an egg?

I have a bird and right now it has 3 eggs and one egg hatched. What happens is the bird should lay on it all morning and all night. if the egg hatches and it looks like the male bird is hurting it move it to a different cage until your baby bird is old enough to move to a different cage.

What does an airman call his plane?

My bird,My baby,my plane, there are lot of different things

What happens to a worm after a bird eats it?

The bird's body digests it, and it serves to nourish the bird.

What does a typical creek bird eat?

A typical creek bird will eat different kinds of insects such as gnats and flies. They will also each things found in and around the creek such as worms.

Why do they put a bird on a credit card?

they put these bird halo grams on only visa credit cards to prevent fraud (fake) other credit cards will have different things on them.

What happens when a bird stalls?

He crashes

What happens during an upstroke of a bird?

during an upstroke wings of the bird move upwards.

How is a bird different from an insect?

A bird is different from an insect in the fact that they have different bodies. For example, a bird is considered to be a vertebrate. Whereas, an insect is an invertebrate

What happens when a bird eats a grape?


If lightning strikes a bird what happens?

it dies

What happens when a bird eats a fish?

it is digested