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If a herbivore is removed from the food chain ,the level one carnivores which would otherwise eat the herbivore,would starve to death,as they can not eat producers nor can they eat level 2 or level 3 carnivores.

ex. in a foodchain of grass-grasshopper-frog-snake ,if we remove grasshopper(herbivore),frog the level 1 carnivore,would die of starvation as it can not eat grass,nor can it eat snake.It will get in to other foodchains for survival and will disturb the regular echosystem.

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12y ago

If an organism is removed from a food chain, the organism which feeds on it would suffer. The effects however might be positive or negative. E.g leaf-caterpillar-bird-fox ( -) means food for If for instance the bird is taken out of the food chain, the foxes would starve because they would have no food to eat and would eventually die. The caterpillars however, would thrive due to the fact that it no longer has and predators so there would be more caterpillars. But since there would be more caterpillars, the leaves would suffer because there would be more caterpillars to feed on them. I hope this helps!

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Q: What happens when a herbivore is removed from a food chain?
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If herbivores were removed from the planet, the food chain wouldn't have a bottom. Some carnivores eat smaller carnivores, but the lowest carnivore on the food chain would die if herbivores would be removed, causing a chain reaction and, well, the carnivores that eat that carnivore would die, and the carnivores that eat THAT carnivore will die... etc. The world would be a total mess.

What is an herbivore in food chain?

It is a animal that eats plants.

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Explain the relationships in this food chain omnivore herbivore autotroph.?

the autotroph is eaten by the herbivore, and the omnivore eats both autotroph and herbivore

What food chain does meat belong to?

Meat belongs to any food chain. In any ecosytem there will always be a carnivore or an herbivore

Where are anemone on the food chain?

They are first on the food chain as they are called producers. In essence, they would b eaten by a herbivore, etc.

Is a giraffe at the top or bottom of the food chain?

The giraffe would be considered a primary consumer, because it is an herbivore. Because of this, it is located near the bottom of any food chain.

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