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How far away? Compasses function based on their interaction with the Earth's magnetic field. If a person were to take a compass outside of that field, it would cease to provide any relevant information. Of course, no human has ever been anywhere near that far away, but interplanetary robots and probes have.

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Q: What happens when a magnetic compass is held in space far away from earth's magnetic field....will it be influenced by the other stellar objects which may or may not have magnetic poles of their own?
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If North repels to South and South repels to North why does a compass point to Magnetic North?

North does NOT repel south, etc.; rather, north ATTRACTS south, and north REPELS north.What happens here is as follows. The north pole of one magnet is attracted to the south pole of another magnet. The north end of a compass is attracted by Earth's magnetic SOUTH pole; therefore, Earth's ACTUAL magnetic south pole is to the north. However, and confusingly, this has traditionally often been called Earth's magnetic north pole.

What happens if you follow a compass going north?

If you follow a compass going north, you reach close to the North Pole.

What happens when you are on the equator with a compass?

Well, at the Amunsden-Scott Station at the geographic south pole, your magnetic compass will point north, as the south magnetic pole is several thousands of km north of the spin pole. It lies well off the coast of Antarctica, which may be (very) roughly considered to be at 67.5oS. It is moving at a good clip in a northerly direction, as the molten rock masses in the interior of the Earth (which create the magnetic field) change shape and position.

What happens to the magnetic orientation of rocks as the pole reverse?

There is nothing -_-

How can a compass help you tell directions?

If they have lodging , many places people go to hike are built facing north so they can locate their way back. For example "the Bristol hiking centre" is built in a woods people hike in. if people get lost they can go there, or they can go just for a cup of coffee.Note:Unless you need GPS accuracy, an ordinary compass can keep you safely oriented in relation to the cardinal points, and perhaps more importantly, it can keep you oriented in relation to your starting point. Under normal conditions, the direction of true north is less important. You need to know the general direction of the nearest highway, or how to get yourself back to your starting point.

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What happens to a compass when it is brought near a current-carrying wire?

the compass aligns with the magnetic field created by the wire

What happens when you stroke a needle 20 times with a magnet?

it becomes magnetic :)

What happens internally when you calibrate a mechanical auto compass?

Small magnets are rotated to "null out" local magnet fields so the compass will accurately align to magnetic North.

What happens to the compass needle when you place it in the wire loop when the circuit was turn on?

it point same way as magnetic field

What happens to the compass needle when you place it in the wire loop when the circuit was turned on?

it point same way as magnetic field

What happens when you hold a compass close a wire carrying a current?

current flowing throgh a conducter or wire it emmits a circuler magnetic field around the wire.a compass react to a magnetic field by point to the north pole.(point throgh the south to the north).

What happens when a compass is placed near a current-carrying wire?

That depends. If we assume that current is flowing though the wire then there is an induced magnetic field equal to B=u_o*I/(2R*pi). For a visual refer to

What happens when a compass is near a magnet?

Then the compass would react according to the magnetic field of the magnet.Then the compass would react according to the magnetic field of the magnet.Then the compass would react according to the magnetic field of the magnet.Then the compass would react according to the magnetic field of the magnet.

What direction does a compass needle point if a current carrying wire is wrapped around it?

The compass needle aligns itself parallel to the direction of the lines of magnetic force where it happens to be. It does not 'point to a particular pole' for that is beyond the sensibility of a simple bar of metal. I repeat, it aligns itself parallel to the lines of magnetic force ...

A What happens to the angle of declination as you get closer to the poles?

when you are close to the magnetic north pole, the declination will be so variable and unpredicatable that a magnetic compass becomes all but useless. You also need to consider the effect of local magnetic anomalies and polar wandering. felicity knows whats up<3

What happens to the angle of a declination as you get closer to the poles?

when you are close to the magnetic north pole, the declination will be so variable and unpredicatable that a magnetic compass becomes all but useless. You also need to consider the effect of local magnetic anomalies and polar wandering. felicity knows whats up<3