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you would have a type II supernova

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Q: What happens when a single high mass star explodes?
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When a high-mass star turns into a super-giant and then explodes the explosion is called?

A Nova or a Supernova.

What can occur after a high mass star explodes?

A supernova resulting in either a neutron star, or a black hole.

What is formed from the leftover material after a high mass star explodes?

After a high mass star explodes, the leftover material forms a remnant called a neutron star or a black hole. If the core of the star is less than about 3 times the mass of the Sun, it collapses to form a neutron star. If the core is more massive, it collapses further, causing the gravitational collapse to form a black hole.

What does each star explode into?

The life of a high mass star goes like this: A nebula gets hot and nuclear fusion binds it into a high-mass protostar the protostar ages into high-mass, very hot star that hot star explodes into a supergiant, which proceeds to explode into a supernova the supernova then shrinks into a neutron star or a black hole the life of a low- or medium-mass star goes like this: a nebula gets hot and nuclear fusion binds it into a low-mass protostar the protostar ages into a low- or medium- mass,cool star the star explodes into a red giant, the red giant explodes into a planetary nebula the nebula shrinks into a white dwarf, which then dims into a black dwarf i hope i was able to answer your question.

When did Albert Einstein split an atom?

He didn't He came up with a formula which decribed the relationship between mass and energy (e=mc2). This showed how much energy would be released when mass disappeared, which is what happens when the bomb explodes, but he didn't actually do it.

What happens to the center of mass if a moving ball explodes?

Because of the law of conservation of linear momentum, the center of mass will continue moving in the same direction the ball was moving previously. At least initially; eventually air resistance and gravitation will change the velocity of the particles.

When the star die what did it become?

During last ages of life of a star, to find what happens in coming ages of life of star. It determines on its mass explained by chandrashekher that if the mass of given star is 2.42 times the mass of our sun then it explodes in the form of supernova. If the mass of given star is less than the 2.42 times the mass of our sun then it shrinks to become white dwarf.

What happens when natural frequency is at zero?

That is a rigid body mode of high mass that has no oscillation.

What happens if a star cannot reach its equilibrium?

It explodes in a vilent out burst of energy and mass creating a loud bang bang ba doom. it commonly causes hairloss and is known to have side effects of unwanted burps and diarhea

How do supernova die?

Your question does not make sense. A supernova does not die. A supernova is what happens when a supergiant or a hypergiant star becomes unstable and cannot maintain stability and explodes cutting away half of it's mass. I hope this helps you.

How old was Albert Einstein when he split the atom?

Einstein never split any atoms. He came up with a formula which decribed the relationship between mass and energy (e=mc2). This showed how much energy would be released when mass disappeared, which is what happens when the bomb explodes, but he didn't actually do it.

What happens when a high mass star dies?

It will implode under its own incredible weight and create a blackhole.