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In most reports of alien abduction, genital probes seem to be the most common incident, followed by brain experiments or pain infliction. In a few cases, physical injury such as broken bones or dislocated joints were reported.

So far there is no shred of worthwhile scientific evidence that this has ever happened. There is no proof there are aliens, although I would like to think there are. But someone has to be the first intelligence in the universe and there is no evidence that we are not it. This probing business is, in my opinion, just stories people make up, and sometimes even hypnotize others into believing happened.

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Q: What happens when aliens take you for probing?
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Probing question aims to develop child thinking power. When a simple question does not excel a student to response quickly and positively we will take the help of probing skill. Dr. Chhabila Meher Sambalpur University

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What you mean is, 'When will the aliens return'? ...or why are aliens upon us. you must mean when will the aliens take over, well what I know is that they wont take over the world or galexy while were alive.

Sentence with probing?

I was probing my hand, because i had fallen earlier.

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Why do aliens insist on probing people against their will?

to track and learn about people and asking them would be very difficult because of the different languages and because of the whole ''hi im an alien nice to meet you'' screams