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The reaction is that the two become neutral water. An H+ (hydrogen atom) bounces off the HCl (hydrochloric acid atom) and attaches itself to the OH- (solid)* in the solid most likely NaOH (solid)*. When H+ is combined with OH- you get H20, or simply water, neutral boring, odorless, $1 a bottle, water.

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Q: What happens when an antacid tablet reacts with hydrochloric acid?
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When a antacid tablet reacts with hydrochloric acid what is it called?

It is simply acid base neutralization.

Is it a physical or chemical change when an antacid tablet reacts with hydrochloric acid?

It is a chemical change. Depending on the antacid, the active ingredient in the tablet (which is a base) will react with the hydrochloric acid to produce water, a salt, and sometimes carbon dioxide.

What kind of reaction is it when antacid tablet reacts with hydrochloric acid?

The reaction between antacid tablets and hydrochloric acid is classed as an acid-base reaction, and is also called a neutralisation reaction. The base or alkali in the reaction is in the antacid tablet. These reactions produce a salt (not necessarily table salt NaCl) and water.

What happens when you take a antacid tablet?

it contains a base (alkali) and so helps to neutralise excess stomach acid.

What happens when you crush an antacid and place it in vinegar versus a whole tablet of antacid in vinegar?

crushed will react faster.

How quickly an indigestion tablet reacts with hydrochloric acid depends on the concentration of the acid?


What is the name and formula of the gas released when the anti-acid tablet reacts with hydrochloric acid?

Carbon dioxide

An antacid tablet fizzes and releases carbon dioxide gas when it comes into contact with hydrochloric acid in the stomach is a chemical or physical change?


Why antacid tablets are chewed not swallowed?

antacid tablet are chewed because they can act faster whereas swallowed tablet act slowly.

What are the indications for Riopan plus?

Riopan Plus is an antacid that comes in both liquid and tablet form. Riopan Plus is an antacid that comes in both liquid and tablet form. Riopan Plus is an antacid that comes in both liquid and tablet form.

What is a chemical change for an antacid tablet?

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Is it a physical or chemical change when an antacid tablet releases carbon dioxide gas and comes in contact with hydrochloric acid in the stomach