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It can travel really in your body! :( It hurts when you have it in there... Answered by tataythebabe

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Q: What happens when glass is deep into your toe?
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What happens to a toe in acid?

It burns

Can you eat your toe?

yes first you cut then u fry it then u bake it then u can eat it with a glass of toe blood

What happens to the air in an upside down glass when submerged in water?

The air gets trapped, and if the glass is brought deep enough under the water the air will be pressurised and will take up less space.

What happens if someone steps on your toe?

You get injured.

Is seedy toe painful?

Seedy Toe happens when the hoof separates from the wall because of illness or injury. The most common cause of seedy toe is laminitis. The seedy toe is not painful, but the condition that caused it was.

How do you get a small piece of glass out your big toe?

go to the hospital!

What happens to an XXY baby?

They lose tic tac toe

Glass-like sea creatures discovered deep in the Southern Ocean?

Yes. These new fish are called deep sea glass squids or Teuthowenia Pellucid.

What happens to your mom when your more pretty than her?

she gets ugly-toe-itus. Uglytoeitus, also called fuglytoeitus means that your toe falls off and it looks ugly.This happens when you have a daughter that is prettier than you!!!!

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What happens to the carbon dioxide in the big toe?

The carbon dioxide in the big toe is expelled as waste. This gas is carried out through the circulation system.

What is the best choice in shoewear for preventing the formation of a bunion?

Shoes with a wide and deep toe box are best.